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Rural Properties

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Selling a Farm requires a holistic business approach from the outset, something that Uber Real Estate prides itself on.

Just finding a recent Farm sale that compares to the size and operation of your Farm is not good enough to establish the value of your Farm in our opinion.

Your Farm whether it be a Dairy Farm, Beef Farm, Agricultural Block or Support Block, is its own unique business and should be treated as such.

Uber Real Estate jumps right in “Red bands-n-all” from the outset to enable us to fully understand the business offering of your Farm, in doing so, together we understand and reach an idea of value based on a sound business assessment, in turn demonstrating how we at Uber Real Estate are reinventing the art of “Rural Real Estate”.

Our comprehensive “Farm Books” uniquely created for each Farm Owner reflect not only the Farm, but the business offering that your Farm offers. In turn, this enables potential purchasers and their lending institutions to understand clearly and concisely the workings and assets of your Farm.

Feedback from both our Farm Owners and potential Purchasers have been that “they are the best farm books that they have ever seen”. We pride ourselves in being the best in show casing the amazing asset that being your Farm!

Give us a call today to view our uniquely designed “Farm books” we would create specific to your Farm.


Looking to sell your property?

Give Uber Real Estate a call, our Sales Agents are all highly experienced in their Specialist areas, with each agent having 10 to 25 years plus experience in the Northland Real Estate Industry

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