Cash you have on hand which means your life savings, or money you have on credit, a huge loan.
A rash decision can cost you your money; you may end up owning a dud instead of your dream home.
You may end up undervaluing your own home, by tens of thousands through selling yourself, resulting in a false economy of savings.
So, it is wise to get expert advice from an industry expert. And who’s better to give customers market guidance than a real estate agent?
A real estate agent worth his or her salt, should know what’s up and about, what’s exactly going on in their market and their area. Who’s selling what? For how much? And who’s buying from who?
A real estate expert makes their money from a percent of the sale of a house or property. This is no secret, that industry fact is quite transparent and known.
So does that make the home more expensive?
The agent’s commission should always be worth or equal to the service they offer.
That said, there’s a lot of work that goes on in the buying and selling of houses. Fact is, it’s a lot of hard work.
There’s the legwork (viewing, appraising, selling, financing) and there’s the paperwork (permits, contracts, compliance form, deeds, etc).
Real estate agents do more than just show people a bunch of homes. They can represent your best interest and negotiate the best price on your behalf. With an agent by your side, you’re not coming in blind, they can update you on current market conditions and ensure the best value is achieved for your home.
Sure you can deal directly with the buyer, go DIY, but with so much of your financing at stake and with no market knowledge – would you risk it?
While some prospective sellers think the extra amount is better saved for other purposes, others think they can actually save more if they go to a real estate agent.